We were blessed to have Pres. Mike von Behren at our annual gathering at Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church in SeaTac on February 23, 2025. He led us in an excellent conversation about grassroots ministry partnerships. As the gathering closed, LMSN had a special “thank you” to honor our Executive Director, Mr. Don Sundene, for his many years of faithful service. Our March 2025 newsletter will have more information and pictures. Watch for it.


Pastoral Care, Compassion, Understanding & Love

Lutheran Ministry Services Northwest (LMSN) is a non-profit organization that provides pastoral and spiritual care to individuals and their families in Seattle area hospitals, nursing homes, and jails / prisons.  LMSN also serves as the Coordinator for Prison Ministry for the Northwest District of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. 



Mr. Don Sundene, our Executive Director, was awarded the Henry F. Wind award for Outstanding Leadership in the field of Specialized Pastoral Ministry (SPM) by the LCMS Board of National Mission. See the link below for more information about Don’s award and for ways the LMSN is being recognized in the Northwest District and beyond.


See Our Video About Jail / Prison Ministry
”Not Forgotten”

Below - A Video About LMSN’s Outreach

A copy of our Ministry Plan can be viewed by clicking here.

The mission of LMSN is to bring spiritual care and the healing touch of Christ's love to those we serve.

LMSN is guided by the words of Jesus in Matthew 25:36: “I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me."

LMSN’s chaplains serve as a pastoral extension for all Lutheran congregations in the Pacific Northwest and visit all Lutherans who find themselves away from their regular spiritual support.

Through a partnership of chaplains and volunteers, LMSN serves as an enlightened and caring community that is willing to address the issues raised by those in need of pastoral and spiritual care. LMSN brings compassion, love, and understanding to individuals and their families facing catastrophic situations in their lives.

LMSN is a recognized social ministry organization of the LCMS and ELCA and is a member of Lutheran Services in America.

 © 2023. All rights reserved. Lutheran Ministry Services Northwest.



Our Hospital Ministry provides spiritual care to patients who are undergoing treatment within hospitals and medical centers. We share God's compassion and grace with those in trying circumstances.


Care Centers / Nursing Homes

Our Care Center Ministry gives those within nursing homes and care centers the reminder that they are not alone and are within the embrace of God's grace and are part of God's family.

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Prisons / Jails

LMSN recently added a new chaplain who ministers in jails / prisons, and we are blessed to have local pastors and layperson volunteers who also provide ministry to the incarcerated in our area. As noted, LMSN also serves as the coordinators for jail / prison ministry in the Northwest District of the LCMS.

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