Check out our June Newsletter

Check out our June newsletter.

In This issue:

Outreach to care centers - ~1.4 million people live in care centers (nursing homes and adult family homes) in the United States.  We are working to add to our outreach to Seattle area care centers through additional ministry staff and congregation participation.  You can help us.  See the newsletter for more. 

Sing for NW Reformation 500 - see www.nwforormation500/sing for more.  You can be part of our festival choir.

See NW Reformation 500 on Facebook for more information.

We are celebrating Christian education and the Lutheran Schools of our area at NW Reformation 500.  Area schools have been invited, and ideas for curriculum on the Reformation are available. 

Honoring a Charter Member of LMSN

Recent Happenings

Upcoming Events

Chaplain's Article & Prayer Corner

Ways you can Help.

Our May Newsletter is Here!

Click here to see our latest newsletter.

Inside this issue:

1. Happy 100th birthday to Mrs. Emma Weiss

2. Get to Know NW Reformation 500's Artistic Director, Mr. Kyle Haugen

3. Honoring Mrs. Weiss, Chp. Weiss, & Rev. Luther Engelbrecht, Pres. of LMSN 1980-1982

4. Upcoming Events

5-6. From our Chaplain, "Green for Growth," & How to Help


Give BIG

Dear LMSN Supporters,

Give BIG is a one-day online giving event supporting local nonprofits.

Give BIG is on May 10, 2017.

LMSN has secured a generous matching donation of $10,000.00.  You are invited to Give BIG to support this ministry's work in Puget Sound hospitals, care centers, and prisons. 

Would you like to give right away?  To schedule your donation early a donor needs to create a simple account at .

Thank you, and God bless you!

The New Luther Movie

We have scheduled several showings of "Martin Luther: The Idea that Changed the World."

All tickets must be purchased online and in advance.

Each venue - listed below - must sell 100 tickets or the showing will be canceled and tickets refunded.


April Newsletter

Our April newsletter is here.  May God bless your Holy Week observances and Easter Celebration. 

If you are looking for a church to attend on Easter, join LMSN at Pilgrim Lutheran Church for worship on April 16, 2017.  Worship times are 6:30 & 10:00am.  From 7:30-9:30, LMSN will host an Easter breakfast.  Call Piglrim Lutheran Church at 425-454-1162 to RSVP.

Bulletin Insert for New Luther Film

Have you heard the news? 

A new "Luther" film has been produced, and it is excellent!  It is also coming to Seattle:

Date:        Thursday, April 20, 2017
Time:        6:30 p.m.
Location:  Regal Thornton Place (Northgate)  301 N.E. 103rd Street, Seattle WA 98125

This film would make a great outing for church groups, Confirmation Classes, etc.  The bulletin insert has information on purchasing tickets, etc.  Check it out!

A bulletin insert can be found here (PDF).

March Newsletter

Our latest newsletter will be coming to mailboxes soon.  See this link for our online version.  You can read about our upcoming celebration of National Nursing Home Week through an educational workshop about reaching out to older adults and those with dementia.  You can read about what area pastors in prison ministry are doing to bring Christ's compassion to those who are incarcerated, and you can learn more about our outreach to Seattle hospitals.

January 2017 Newsletter

January's newsletter is out.  Click here to learn about our service at Haborview, see updates about NW Reformation 500, learn more about prison ministry in the Northwest, and finally read our tribute letter of thanks to Pr. Ernie Lassman on the occasion of his retirement as senior pastor of Messiah Lutheran Church in Seatle.

Advent & Christmas Greetings!

Our December, 2016, newsletter is here. 
Check it out!

Also note:  "Martin is Coming to Town!"


"Martin: A Life of Martin Luther"

A live and original one-man portrayal,
written and performed my Alan Lemke

This performance has been highly acclaimed by pastors and churches from all over the country.

Scheduled "Martin" Performances to Date:

  • Feb. 19, 2017 - Pilgrim Lutheran Church, Bellevue, WA.  3:00pm.

  • March 26, 2017 - Sammamish Hills Lutheran Church, Sammamish, WA.  6:30pm.

  • Sept. 17, 2017 - Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church,
    Snohomish, WA. 3:00pm.

  • Sept. 17, 2017 - Immanuel Lutheran Church, Everett, WA.  7:00pm.

  • Sept. 24, 2017 - Messiah Lutheran Church & Concordia Lutheran School, Seattle, WA.  3:00pm.

Do you want an event at your church or school? 
Get in touch with us.
We want to schedule more.



Northwest Reformation 500 Congregational Committment Forms

Committed Churches:  Is your congregation on the list?

  •          All Saints Lutheran Church, Bellevue
  •          Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Renton
  •          Christ the King Lutheran Church, Bellevue
  •          Epiphany Lutheran Church, Kenmore
  •          Faith Lutheran Church, Lacey
  •          Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Tacoma
  •          Grace Lutheran Church, Blaine
  •          Grace Lutheran Church, Everett
  •          Immanuel Lutheran Church, Everett
  •          Lutheran Church of the Atonement, Burien
  •          Messiah Lutheran Church, Marysville
  •          Messiah Lutheran Church, Seattle
  •          Pilgrim Lutheran Church, Bellevue
  •          Redeemer Lutheran Church, Mercer Island
  •          Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, Snohomish
  •          Trinity Lutheran Church, Olympia
  •          Trinity Lutheran Church, Seattle
  •          Zion Lutheran Church, Tacoma

If not, talk to your pastor, your head elder, and your congregational president.  This Reformation Anniversary Celebration is a great chance to say, "Come and see" (John 1:45-46) to our neighbors who need to hear the message of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.

Commitment form can be found at this link.

Blessings to you and yours!

Thanksgiving Newsletter

Check out our Thanksgiving Newsletter at this link.

A few highlights in our newsletter:

  • Thanksgiving Blessings
  • "Danka Schoen" to all who took part in our Oktoberfest
  • Update on Northwest Reformation 500
  • "Returning Thanks" - a reflection from LMSN's ministry team
  • "An Expression of Gratitude" - a thank you letter that was give to LMSN to be shared with LMSN's supporters
  • An update on the Zion Conference
  • Oktoberfest Pictures & Highlights
  • Our Chaplain's article
  • "How to Help"

Check it out!


Oktoberfest 2016

Thank you to all who braved the storms on October 15, 2016, to attend LMSN's second annual Oktoberfest! 

We had a blast! 

Musicians from All Saints Lutheran Church, Epiphany Lutheran Church, King of Kings Lutheran Church, Pilgrim Lutheran Church, and Redeemer Lutheran Church took part in the Music Festival portion of our gathering in Pilgrim's Sanctuary. (Thank you to all!)

We had fabulous food - bratwurst courtesy of Fischer Meats in Issaquah, WA.  The bratwurst was smoked by our own Executive Director, Don Sundene, on a smoker supplied by Dennis Polinder of Pilgrim.  During dinner, we had Oktoberfest favorites from Mach One Jazz Orchestra - phenomenal!  Thank you to all!

It also served as the Kickoff for Northwest Reformation 500! Visit for more information.

Visit our Facebook(TM) page (see the f symbol - link - at the bottom of this webpage) for more pictures, video clips and a shout out to many who took part!

Wellness Event

We had a great wellness event at Pilgrim Lutheran Church on Saturday, September 10, 2016.  Those who came got to hear Mr. Jerry Flynn, BA CSCS of ATI Physical Therapy offer some important suggestions for staying active during the winter months.  Of course, we had a great breakfast thanks to the labor of love from Mr. Don Sundene, our Executive Director, and our hosts from Pilgrim Lutheran Church (including Pr. Jim Rehder and Dcs. Ruth Ann Shimoi) were invaluable!  Thank you to all!

August 2016 Newsletter

To see our most recent newsletter and tributes to Pr. Paul Winterstein and Calvary Lutheran Church, use the link below.  If the link doesn't open automatically, copy and paste it into your web browser.  May God's blessings be with you!

Healthy Living for Your Brain and Body

June 4, 2016 at Epiphany Lutheran Church in Kenmore, WA.

We express our appreciation to Pr. Don Schatz and our friends at Epiphany Lutheran Church for hosting our most recent wellness event.  We had a great turnout and those who were there got to hear about practical tools for reducing the effects of Alzheimer's and various other forms of dementia. 

Bob Kaftan of the Alzheimer's Association, Washington State Chapter at Epiphany - 6/4/2016

Bob Kaftan of the Alzheimer's Association, Washington State Chapter at Epiphany - 6/4/2016

We also thank Don Sundene, LMSN's Executive Director, for hosting the breakfast.  Thrivent's Community Action Dollars (r) helped offset the cost of our breakfast.

Don Sundene, LMSN's Exec. Director, serving breakfast.  Epiphany Lutheran Church 6/4/2016

Don Sundene, LMSN's Exec. Director, serving breakfast.  Epiphany Lutheran Church 6/4/2016


Of course, we also talked about "Northwest Reformation 500" - our Puget Sound celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017.  See our "Events" section for more information.

April 16, 2016 - "Healthy Living for Your Brain and Body"

We really enjoyed the presentation from Mr. Bob Kaftan of The Alzheimer's Association, Washington State Chapter.

Per the presentation, there are things that people can do to delay and / or lessen the effects of Alzheimer's type dementia.  Also, as we have heard about in news reports recently, there are some exciting breakthroughs with medications that might benefit those with Alzheimer's. 

Northwest Reformation 2017 - "It's Still All About Jesu"  Those who came got to hear about the Reformation's 500th Anniversary in 2017 and the work that LMSN is doing to organize a regional multi-congregation celebration at a venue in Seattle.  Stay tuned for more information!