Our May 2021 Newsletter is Here!

The May 2021 newsletter has 2 sections.

Our April 2020 Newsletter is Here!

Click here for updates on our ministry.


  • Some care centers have reopened for services. See our newsletter for more.

  • Service opportunities

    • May - cards for the ladies in care centers. We are making it a “thinking of you” effort as opposed to Mother’s Day in order to make the sentiment of the card inclusive.

    • June - cards for the men in care centers - same idea as above, “thinking of you” instead of Father’s Day.

    • July - “red, white, & blue” … more to come

Our January 2021 Newsletter is Here!

LMSN’s Executive Director, Mr. Don Sundene, put this video together for the online “Making Disciples for Life” conference. In it, he highlights the importance of outreach to the incarcerated.

The video has several components. The first section is a devotional song that Mr. Sundene’s mother sang every morning of her adult life. She lived to be 105 “years young.” The words of the song inspired her to a life of devotion to Christ and outreach. The other sections include Mr. Sundene’s presentation for the “Making Disciples for Life Conference” and the video “Not Forgotten” which highlights the impact that prison ministry has had on the life of a former inmate.

Ex. Director Don Sundene's Prison Ministry Presentations

LMSN’s Executive Director, Mr. Don Sundene, put this video together for the online “Making Disciples for Life” conference. In it, he highlights the importance of outreach to the incarcerated.

The video has several components. The first section is a devotional song that Mr. Sundene’s mother sang every morning of her adult life. She lived to be 105 “years young.” The words of the song inspired her to a life of devotion to Christ and outreach. The other sections include Mr. Sundene’s presentation for the “Making Disciples for Life Conference” and the video “Not Forgotten” which highlights the impact that prison ministry has had on the life of a former inmate.

Our October 2020 Newsletter is Here!

Click here to get the latest information about our outreach.

In this issue:

  • Articles from our chaplains and Executive Director.

  • Update on our 2020 Matching Campaign

    • By God’s grace, we are close. You can help us fill the gap.

Click here for our Care Center Ministry Insert.

  • We procured and delivered 250+ pumpkins to 16 care centers and 4 individuals.

Our July 2020 Newsletter is Here

Our July 2020 newsletter has 2 sections.

Care Center Collage for July 2020 NL Edite.png