Our October 2022 Newsletter is Here!
/Click below to get the latest information about our outreach.
See “Section 2” above for ways to get involved in our November and December outreach efforts!
Pictured below -
Pumpkins galore - ~500 pumpkins delivered to 26 care centers on various days. Thank you to King of Kings Lutheran Church in Renton. Our pumpkin order was added to theirs, an annual effort by their youth group. We were able to use Thrivent Action Team® dollars to sponsor this effort - thank you! Thank you to all who delivered the pumpkins. Thank you to Dcs. Ruth Ann Shimoi for organizing the orders and deliveries! More pictures will follow, to be sure.
Happy Anniversary! We wish our friends in Christ at Messiah Lutheran Church in Seattle happy 75th anniversary, and we wish our friends at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Renton happy 80th anniversary. Thank you for your years of partnership and support.
Lap robes and clothing protectors - thank you to Margaret E. and so many others who continue to sew lap robes and clothing protectors for care center residents.