Our November 2018 Newsletter Is Here!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Click here to find our November 2018 Newsletter.

In this issue:

  • A Thanksgiving message from our Executive Director.

  • Chaplain Werzner’s article.

  • Reuben Comfort Dog from Yuba City, CA visited our area and went to a local care center with Dcs. Ruth Ann Shimoi. As of this publication, Reuben and his handlers have been deployed to support those who have been affected by the recent wildfires in CA.

We have started a “Go Fund Me” campaign to support a professional chaplain (Clergy) to spearhead our prison ministry.

Click here to find our page.

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Our October 2018 Newsletter Is Here!

Click here to find our October 2018 newsletter.

In this newsletter -

  • 500+1 - Can you believe that it has been a year since NW Reformation 500?

  • “A Dog Walks into a Nursing Home” - Dcs. Ruth Ann Shimoi who directs our care center outreach highlights a book that affirms our desire to employ Pilgrim Lutheran Church’s LCC Comfort Dog in our ministry at area care centers.

  • 200+ articles of clothing delivered & more on the way! On behalf of Chp. Kirk Van Natta and Mr. Don Sundene, we extend our appreciation to all who have helped with this clothing drive - in conjunction with our jail / prison ministry. Read the article to find out more.

  • 80th Anniversary Celebration & Oktoberfest 2018 - We had a blast! Thank you to Pr. Rehder and Pilgrim Lutheran Church (our hosts), Mach One Jazz Orchestra, and everyone who helped! Some pictures from our Gathering at Pilgrim Lutheran Church are below. See our Facebook(TM) page fore more.

Our September 2018 Newsletter Is Here.

Click here to find our September 2018 newsletter.

Save the Date & Join Us on
October 13, 2018 for

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Pilgrim Lutheran Church
10420 SE 11th St.
Bellevue, WA 98004

5:00-6:00pm - Anniversary Celebration
6:00-8:30pm Okotberfest with Mach One Jazz Orchestra
& Silent Auction

Menu - Bratwurst, Ham, German Potato Salad,
Beer - including home made, Wine, Coffee, & Dessert
(Freewill Offering for Dinner)

RSVP to Pilgrim Lutheran Church in Bellevue, WA by Oct. 12, 2018

Silent Auction Items

Pictured here are some silent auction items. Note that we have some unique collectors items!

  1. Original autographed Snoopy Sketch by Charles Schulz.

  2. Seahawks Legends Helmet - signed by Russell Wilson, Richard Sherman, Marshawn Lynch, Matt Hassellback, Cortez Kennedy, Shaun Alexander, Steve Largent, Dave Kreig, Kam Chancellor, and Kenny Easley.

  3. Autographed Records - Beatles, (McCartney & Starr); U2; Johnny Cash, & BB King

  4. Autographed Guitar - Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers

  5. Condo in Cabo San Lucas - Stay for a week at a fine resort per mutually-agreed dates with the condo’s owner (pictures to come).

  6. Condo in Whistler, BC - Stay at a condo in Whistler per mutually agreed dates with the condo’s owner (pictures to come).

  7. Hand-made baby blanket (picture to come).

  8. Other items forthcoming.

Our August Newsletter Is Here.

Click here to read our August Newsletter.

In this issue:

  • LMSN Sunday Celebration at Pilgrim Lutheran Church in thanksgiving for Pr. Werzner's 17 years of ministry with LMSN and Pilgrim.

Pictured here are the cookies with LMSN's 80th anniversary logo (thank you Mrs. Laurie Clark!), LMSN's banner, a blessing of Chp. Werzner by Pr. Jim Rehder of Pilgrim Lutheran Church in celebration of Chp. Werzner's ministry, a blessing of Don Sundene by Pr. Jim Rehder in recognition of Don's service as Coordinator for Prison Ministry, Chp. Werzner wearing the stole created by Mrs. Laurie Clark to honor LMSN's 80th anniversary, a closeup of the stole, and various other pictures.  Thank you to all who helped!

  • LMSN's Care Center volunteers met at Messiah Lutheran Church. See the newsletter for our "drive" to get materials to make clothing protectors, scarves, lap robes and other items to bless others in our outreach.

Our July Newsletter Is Here

Click here to find a copy of our July newsletter.  

In this issue:

Discover ways that volunteers are helping our outreach by creating clothing protectors, lap robes, and scarves as well as greeting cards that are being used in our care center and jail ministry. 

  • Request for supplies - we would like to collect new or gently used bath towels (dark colors or patterns), and other materials to make lap robes. Bring them to your church and let us know that they are there. We will arrange for pickup.

  • Can you help make the items? Get in touch with us. Email us lms@lmsnw.org or call us 206-450-7128. We can send you patterns, etc.

  • Thank you to everyone who is taking part in this ministry already!

Prison Ministry Highlights - Learn about the 6 baptisms done by Rev. Corbie Cross at a correctional institution in Kenai, AK.


Our June Newsletter Is Here

In this issue - Our own Executive Director, Don Sundene, was a "Mites in Action" speaker at the LWML convention in Spokane, WA.  Here is the video of Marie Sundene, a charter member of her church's LWML society, singing "Good Morning Lord" at 102 years of age.  Marie went to be with our Lord, a few hours short of her 105th birthday.  

Our March Newsletter Is Here

Click here to read our March 2018 newsletter.

Learn some exciting news!

  • Deaconess Ruth Ann Shimoi has agreed to join our team once again to help our "Adopt a Care Center" initiative. See the newsletter for more!

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Learn about our "80 for the 80th" campaign.

Meet Pr. Jim Rehder - one of three pastoral advisors to LMSN.



Our January 2018 Newsletter Is Here!

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  • Focus for our 80th Anniversary - Care Centers

  • Focus on our Advisory Team - Meet Pr. Ernie Lassman who along with Rev. Jim Rehder and Rev. Paul Winterstein offer invaluable direction and guidance for our ministry.

  • Join us for Our Annual Meeting

    • Sunday, February 18th, 2018.

    • Pilgrim Lutheran Church
      10420 SE 11th St.
      Bellevue, WA 98004

    • Special Guest

      • Dr. Tom Stoll, M.D., Program Director for the Kaiser Permanente WA Orthopedic Group & Chief of Staff at Overlake Medical Center.

        • Dr. Stoll will offer a presentation on musculoskeletal health.

Our Thanksgiving Newsletter Is Here

Click here to find our Thanksgiving Newsletter

In this issue - Our thanks to the community & highlights from NW Reformation 500.

Enjoy these photos.  A video of the service is being edited.  Once everything is in order, we will have them available.  "Stay tuned."

Blessings to you and yours this Thanksgiving!



Check out our October newsletter!

Click here to view our October 2017 newsletter.

Join us for NW Reformation 500

Sunday, Oct. 29, 2017

Overlake Christian Church
9900 Willows Road NE
Redmond, WA 98052

 2:30pm – Fellowship, Refreshments & Celebration Displays
4:30pm – Festival Worship
6:30pm – Fellowship, Refreshments, & Celebration Displays

If driving to Overlake Christian Church, please note:

When you enter the parking lot, you will have to drive about 2/5 of a mile to reach the front entrance of the church building. 

See the map below of perspective and note the location of the worship center.

Overlake Map 3.jpg

About Chaplain Carl Eggers

Click here to read the bio about Chp. Carl Eggers, LMSN Chaplain from 1975-1998.  The attached bio was written by Mr. Gary Beard of Pilgrim Lutheran Church and emphasized Chp. Eggers' role in the mission and ministry of Pilgrim Lutheran Church of Bellevue, WA and his work with Lutheran Ministry Services Northwest.

Chp. Eggers was part of history - U.S. Army Chaplain in WWII and just after when he was called upon to minister to Nazi war criminals as they awaited trial in Nuremberg, Germany.  

As a chaplain for LMSN, Chp. Eggers served as the Protestant Chaplain for Providence Hospital in Seattle, visited patients at seven other local hospitals, conducted visitations and services at care centers, and served as a chaplain for the King County jail.  

The attached bio is referenced in our most recent newsletter (Sept., 2017).  Open it up to read more about Chp. Eggers and how his rich experiences influenced his outlook on ministry (Sept. newsletter, pg. 4).  

We express our appreciation to Mr. Gary Beard of Pilgrim Lutheran Church for his work in composing this bio and for allowing us to use it.  Thank you!


Check out our August Newsletter

Click here for our August 2017 newsletter.

In this issue:

  • Honoring Dcs. Ruth Ann Shimoi as she retires from Pilgrim Lutheran Church.
  • Chaplain's Article
  • NW Reformation 500
    • Lamb of God Lutheran Church and Concordia Lutheran School help spread the news of our celebration.
    • Sept. 10, 2017 - Deadline to Register for Mass Choir
  • Giving Thanks or our Past - A Look at Rev. Albert Kraztke's Ministry.
  • Building for the Future - Highlights on Efforts to Grow our Care Center Outreach
    • Partnership with Pilgrim Lutheran Church for a Lutheran Church Charities Comfort Dog
  • Upcoming Events
  • How to Help


Check out our July Newsletter

Our July newsletter is here.

Some Highlights

  • Spotlight - Hospital Ministry

  • Northwest Reformation 500

    • St. James Lutheran Church in Bothell helps get the word out about our celebration.

    • Sing for Reformation 500 - Join the festival choir.

    • See Pr. Trevor Mankin's design for the baptismal font for NW Reformation 500.

  • Care Center Outreach - Highlights and Opportunities

    • We are working to grow our care center outreach.

    • Our friends at Pilgrim Lutheran Church are in the process of applying for a Lutheran Church Charities Comfort Dog.  The local comfort dog will be available to hospitals and care centers.

  • Prison Ministry Highlights

  • Upcoming Events

  • Prayer Corner

  • How to Help