Our July 2023 Newsletter Is Here!

Articles from our staff
Updates on ways that churches are reaching out to the homeless and helping those newly released from jail in the process of doing so
“Portals of Prayer” initiative - We are more than halfway there! Only 4 more subscriptions needed!
LMSN’s Executive Director has been mailing “Portals of Prayer” devotionals to various resident inmates, House of Mercy which operates 28 halfway houses, and prisons. Each quarter, we mail out 300. The largest portion goes to the libraries of institutions. We receive reports and thank you notes stating that “Portals of Prayer” is one of the most popular materials they receive.
We had been able to get the Portals of Prayer at no charge. That source is no longer available. The suggestion was made that maybe we could work with the churches to get the 300 Portals of Prayer. To get to 300, we asked for 10 congregations to order 30 “Portals of Prayer” per quarter.
Information about ordering.
· The cost from CPH is $2.13 per copy, no shipping charge.
· 30 devotionals cost a total of $63.90 per quarter. ($255.60 annually)
· Call CPH directly 1-800-325-3040, pick “option 2” for magazine services
· Have the devotionals sent to our mailing address:
o Lutheran Ministry Services NW
7040 36th Ave NE
Seattle, WA. 98115-5998Thank you for your support of this effort. Please let me hear from you.
In Christ,
Don Sundene LMSN Executive Director
206-450-7128 ext. 4 donsudnene@hotmail.com Mat. 25:36 “You visited me”
“Adopt A Care Center” Program
LMSN is encouraging congregations to engage in Christian outreach by adopting a nearby care center. Volunteers can do things like provide song services with short Bible lessons, provide Bible studies, and encourage the residents and staff via seasonal gifts. (Think of the pumpkin deliveries we have made in October for several years now, Easter cards, etc.)
LMSN is prepared to help by -
· Visiting your congregation to do a presentation to help inspire volunteers
· Helping to establish contacts at care centers
· Training volunteers
· Providing materials such as large print song books
· Providing ongoing support to discuss experiences and share best practices
Contact Dcs. Ruth Ann Shimoi to learn more.
· 206-450-7128 x3
· ruthannshimoi@lmsnw.org